Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why were certain states banned from winning Michael Jackson Memorial service tickets?

Question by misslala0510: Why were certain states banned from winning Michael Jackson Memorial service tickets?
While reading about the memorial here:
I found a that it says "Additionally, Residents of the states of New York, Florida, and Rhode Island are not eligible to enter and win."
Residents of New York, Florida, and Rhode Island can apparently attend as the ‘guest’ of a ticket-winner, so long as the ticket winner is not a resident of one of the those states.

Anyone know why?
No 4 Strings I didn't just wake up. Just how well did you know Michael. Oh that's right I'm sure you never met him which means you are obviously omniscient and know for sure he did the things he was accused of right?? And I'm sure you've never done anything that would cause people to berate you even in death. What a piece of work. I love how cowards hide behind their avatars and spew venom. This is so not what YA started out to be.
No lorrie you amaze me. You also must be omniscient and know that Michael was guilty, and I'm sure you don't do anything that people could look down at. Wow when did this become Yahoo Judgement instead of Yahoo Answers??

Best answer:

Answer by Matt
The idea of winning tickets to someone's funeral and attending just because he's a celebrity is sickening.

I'm sure either political figures thought this was immoral or a law already in place within these states could have something to do with it.

Give your answer to this question below!

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