Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is the meaning of this dream…?

I have a really strange reoccurring dream. I used to have this dream allot a few months ago, but then it stopped when I moved. And now im starting to have it again. Can you PLEASE tell me your interpretation of it?
I walk through my front door, into my old house where I used to live. I walk around the downstairs rooms first, looking for my family. Then I go up stairs and look through those rooms. Its really creepy, and the electricity is out and I cant turn any lights on. So then I go into the basement to see if anyone is down there. The basement is REALLY creepy, and I feel like something is watching me, and that there are paranormal forces surrounding me. I run up the stairs, and when I get to the top I hear a really strange womans voice in my head. It said something like shhhhh, dont scream, but its weird and barley audible. So then, I walk through the kitchen, and down the hall that leads past one of the living rooms. It has french glass doors, and when I walk past it I see trees filling the entire room. I open the door and begin to investigate, and walk through the rows of trees. I realize that they are all banana trees, and they are growing out of the wooden, decaying floor. Then I turn around to leave the room and I see the rest of my house has aged significantly. The paint is peeling off of the walls, the floor boards are all rotting and decaying. The celling has holes and cracks in it. Then I turn around and see a hideous being. It is a woman, (the one whos voice I heard in my head earlier) she is dead and decaying. Her skin that she has left is wrinkled and cracked, and her hair is white and long. Shes wearing a vintage looking dress thats stained with brownish splotches all over, and its patched and torn in numerous places. Shes not tangible looking though, shes almost semi-transparent looking. She just stares at me, and then smiles a horrible, rotten toothed grin, with the few remaining teeth she has left. After that, everything goes black and I hear a far off scream.
When I wake up, Im standing on the catwalk in my house. I have no clothes on, and my backside is facing the front entry area. I am barley conscious, and just standing there numbly. I dont really realize my surroundings and my brain almost feels foggy. There are police men, fire men and paramedics rushing through the front door, and filling the front rooms. I have no clue whats going on, but then I see it from someone elses eyes. I think I see it from one of the police mens eyes,who are standing on the ground floor and looking up at me. I see my self, standing there motionless and naked, facing the other way. Then I see a string ( a sewing thread or something) coming from my back, and being suspended in the air by an invisible force. Then one of the paramedics leans over to me and says That string is attached to her spine, in-between two of the vertebrae. If the thing that is holding the string decides to pull it, that girl will instantly die.

Then I go back into my body, standing all alone of the catwalk. Suddenly, I come back to full conciseness and realize whats happening. I am suddenly TERRIFIED. I try to move, but some unseen being is holding my entire body in a motionless state. I cant even think because I am so terrified.All I can think, over and over again in my brain, is I want to live I want to live. I do the first thing that I can think of, I scream. Then everything goes pitch black, blacker than any black I have ever seen. I faintly hear shhhhh, dont scream and then I go back into the body of one of the police men below. I look up at my self, and then I see my self scream. Suddenly, I see the string quickly tighten, and my spine and body break in half. The top part of my body falls backwards over the railing and hits the ground, then all of the people around me start screaming and running through the narrow doorway as soon as possible. I just stand there though, and am unable to move. Then I see the dreadful woman ghost like being standing infront of me. She smiles and screeches I WIN!. Then I fall to my knees, and everything starts to get blurry dark. I fall to my face, and just lay there on the cold wood floor, my life actually flashes before my eyes, and then everything goes black again.
After that I wake up in real life and Im always crying, and it really really scares me! I have had this dream numerous times lately and Im afraid to go to sleep! Can anyone tell me what this dream could mean?
Are you the kind of person who is afraid to look deeply at your motives for doing things. The dream shows great inner guilt and anxiety. I suggest you pray whether you believe in God or Not before bed for wisdom and understanding of why you are so distressed with your self. You see the Naked you is how you really are and the fear and cutting in half shows you are afraid to be who you are. and its critical now and thats why the symbols are so drastic. See if that helps. God Bless You

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