Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is Best Buy good at mobile installation?

I just bought a Viper 791 remote starter/alarm and have an appointment to get it installed at Best Buy. Do they do good quality work that wont screw me over in the end since I’m paying 200 bucks to have it installed? Any helpful/useful input would be greatly appreciated.You can find good installers and bad installers just about anywhere. There’s no guarantee a small shop will have a better installer than a chain. Many small shop installers are paid on commission, so some (not all) will do a fast, shoddy job so they can get done and get to the next job as quickly as possible.

In general, Best Buy and Circuit City do more car installations than anyone else, so they’re usually good at basic installation work. They lack the skills and tools to do custom work like building amp racks or boxes, upholstery or vehicle modifications, or project cars that can’t be completed the same day. An alarm/remote start system like yours can be considered basic installation work, until you start adding additional features like window control modules, or unless you have an unusual or exotic vehicle.

Your best bet is to take some time to talk to the installer before your appointment. Have him go over where he’ll mount your LED light, valet switch and siren. Ask him exactly what vehicle zones will be covered by the basic alarm installation, and whether any will need extra work to be connected: many cars will require wiring run to the trunk to connect it to the alarm system. Ask him how the alarm wiring will be connected to the factory wiring: you want someone who will strip and solder, not use T-taps or Scotch-locks.

You should be able to get a sense of how confident and experienced the installer is; and (just as important) how willing he is to spend some time with you and make sure you’re satisfied.

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